Since 1993 Belatra company connects its activities with high technology. Many of the completed projects in the sphere of production and software have earned recognition in the Republic of Belarus, the neighboring countries and beyond.

Eternal principle of Belatra is the use of the most advanced technologies and components of  the most reputable companies in the world. Products with Belatra logo meet international standards by all quality characteristics, so competes with leading manufacturers.

Tendencies, which Belatra releases today, are new and strategically important for the development of both industrial companies in the field of electronics, and for the development of companies which are engaged in manufacturing of products using metal constructions.

Electronics contract manufacturing - is the ability to place orders for prototyping, assembly of small and large parties, printed circuit boards assembly and disassembly of elements on the circuit board in need of repair, without the overhead  purchase of expensive equipment and without organization of production on its own premises. For maximum efficiency of electronics contract manufacturing Belatra has not only a highly skilled team of engineers, but also the latest equipment from companies such as SMTECH, JUKI, Rommel. This allows us to provide a full range of services, helping our customers at all stages of collaboration.

The contract metalwork is complex of manufacturing of various kinds of metal products, including customers design documentation. Our factory is equipped with modern high-tech equipment company TRUMPF, a leading manufacturer in the field sheet-metalwork:

  • Press with laser TLF2000 TRUMATIC6000 L-1300
  • CNC press brake Truma Bend V1300
  • 2-axis lathe CNC universal CTX 210 V3 HEIDENHAIN
  • Universal CNC milling machine DMU 60T2

Thus, without the expenses for equipment complex you are getting freedom in the design and parts manufacturing, which, in combination with the services of electronics contract manufacturing, offered by our company may allow you to get greater efficiency of your production. 

Belatra is always open for new offers. We listen to our customers' opinions and wishes which become a source of new ideas for the improvement of services.

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Belatra has their own factory, which allows monitoring product quality at all stages of the production process: from material procurement to a finished product. Due to modern production facilities Belatra produce products of varying degrees of complexity and for any kind of activities. The main directions of the moment are: enclosures for electronics, industrial equipment, automobile production, design and architecture.

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